Shinobi Sasquatch is days late.

1,678 backers wondering, "where's my fucking book?"

$50k Club LATE STILL LATE (1+ yr) LATE AF (2+ yrs) WILLIS'd (3+ yrs) HUERTA'd (4+ yrs)
What is it?

A master ninja werewolf bigfoot must thwart an evil cult's scheme to enslave the Pacific Northwest.

Total Funded: $85,414
Campaign Fund Date: May 31, 2019
Est. Shipped by: October 31, 2019
Current Est. Ship Date: June 30, 2022
Fuck, who really `knows anymore...
How Late?
LATEST UPDATE: May 16, 2023 • 10:50AM

Okay...I'll give you most of it...

...and here it is: We're hiring an artist to help Rob finish the book. Rob will stay on and will be doing original art tier and drawn-in stuff, but our new team member will be drawing the bulk of the remaining pages.

Don't worry, you're going to love this person's art.

I can't tell you who it is just yet, but when I can I will and, though you may have never heard of them, you'll be glad you did once we announce it. Just know I am doing everything I can to make sure this book gets finished. I've actually been working behind the scenes for a long time on this. The problem was always that nothing was certain, so I couldn't say anything without risking delivering you empty promises. Now I'm pretty confident that we'll be able to start showing you new art on a regular basis come mid to late Summer.

With that said, you should temper your expetations just a little bit. I'm not touching the campaign fund for this so I'm paying out of pocket for the new artist and I do have little (and big) mouths to feed. So, the amount of work this artist can do will be limited by my ability to pay them. I don't yet know what that will look like, but I promise I'll keep you posted.
